Govert's Tools for Plotting, Printing, PDF

Noli turbare circulos meos

Govert's Tools As Archimedes was deeply focussed on his diagrams, his mind and eyes fixed on the ground, a soldier burst into his home in search of plunder. When the soldier demanded his name, Archimedes, too absorbed in his work to answer, simply pleaded, "I beg you, do not disturb this," as he shielded the figures drawn in the dust. Unmoved, the soldier struck him down. His blood mingled with the lines of his art, forever disrupting the brilliance of his work.

Govert's Tools

I created these tools for my personal use and enjoyment, but I'm happy to share them with others. You are welcome to use them, but please note they are provided "as is" and at your own risk. While I enjoy responding to clear and challenging questions, you should not expect professional support.

These tools are based on free code from other generous contributors, and I aim to keep them accessible to all. I don't want to limit their use to just a small circle around me. So feel free to explore and suggest improvements!

However, no one is allowed to sell or redistribute my tools without explicit permission. This site is the only official place where my tools are available. Links to this site are welcome, but direct links to files (hotlinking) are not permitted.

If you have comments, suggestions, bug reports, or questions, feel free to share them. Some common questions may already be answered in my FAQ.

Virus warnings!

Recently some users, or potential users, warned me that they received messages from their malware protection tools that the file(s) that they downloaded from this site (might) contain a virus or other malware. I never exclude any possibilities, but I am 100% sure that I did not build in nasty things. Also I can't find anything suspicious so I am quite sure that it concerns false positives. For instance it is suggestsed that PDF Crop would contain a trojan. I downloaded the zip file from my own site and then uploaded it to the site "Virus Total". Indeed it appears that from the 65 engines that VT runs for analyzing uploaded files, just two report a trojan: MaxSecure and Rising. Then after some googling I found that reporting false positives is not uncommon for these tools.

Anyway, if you find something else, please let me know. And... if you do not trust my tools, don't use them....!
